Toby Mundy

Toby Mundy

Toby Mundy represented the recent bestsellers Damaged Goods, Oliver Shah’s biography of Philip Green; The Road to Somewhere by David Goodhart; Red River Girl by Joanna Jolly, Who Can You Trust? by Rachel Botsman; and Maestra by Lisa Hilton. His clients include Tobias Buck, Stephen Bush, Ruth Brandon, James Crabtree, Michael Dine, Daniel Finkelstein, Charles Handy, Tiffany Jenkins, Andrew Keen, Ivan Krastev, Ian Leslie,  Owen Matthews,  Paul Morland, Arkady Ostrovsky, Nicolas Pelham, Leigh Phillips, Richard V Reeves, Jonathan Rowson, Donald Sassoon, Geoffrey Wheatcroft, Christian Wolmar and Emma Young. He also represents organisations such as The How to: Academy; Stylist magazine; New Scientist, the TLS and The

Before becoming a literary agent, Toby founded Atlantic Books Limited, where he served as chief executive and publisher from 2000 to 2014, publishing a significant number of number of bestsellers and prize-winning titles. He won ‘Editor of the Year’ and Atlantic Books also won ‘Imprint of the Year’ (2005, 2008) and ‘Independent Publisher of the Year’ (2008) at the British Book Awards. He is also executive director of the Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-fiction, the most prestigious non-fiction book prize in the UK; chair of trustees of Wimbledon BookFest, a registered charity; chair of the advisory board of The Sunday Times — Audible Short Story Award; and a patron of the UK’s National Festival of the Humanities, which is run by the University of London’s School of Advanced Study. He was a non-executive director of Prospect Publishing Limited for 10 years, where he was also a contributing editor and editorial board member.  He has also been an active advisory board member of, the Legatum Institute and Demos think tanks, and has appeared regularly on the Evening Standard’s list of London’s 1,000 Most Influential People. In 2016, he appeared in Esquire magazine’s list of Britain’s 100 ‘Most Connected’ men.

He is looking for gripping narrative non-fiction, and well written, mind-expanding works in the areas of history, biography, memoir, current affairs, sport, popular culture and popular science. He also represents a small number of thriller writers and literary novelists.


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