Senior Partner

Jane von Mehren

Jane von Mehren

Jane von Mehren represents leading thinkers including paleontologist Stephen Brusatte’s internationally bestselling The Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs, political economist Mauro Guillen’s internationally bestselling 2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything, historian Susan Stryker’s Changing Gender, journalist and memoirist Kendra James’s Admissions: A Memoir of Surviving Boarding School and fiction such as Minrose Gwin’s award-winning The Accidentals, Kevin Morris’s Gettysburg, and Jonathan Santlofer’s The Last Mona Lisa.

She holds a BA with honors from Vassar College. Before becoming an agent, von Mehren was an editor and publishing executive at Houghton Mifflin, Penguin, and Random House, most recently as a Senior Vice President and Publisher at Random House.

Working out of Aevitas’s New York office, von Mehren is interested in narratives in the areas of business, history, memoir, popular culture and science, books that help us live our best lives, literary, book club, and historical fiction.


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