Poet, novelist, essayist, and co-founder of the 'extimité' podcast Douce Dibondo’s prefered topics revolve around afroqueerfeminist and decolonial themes. She contributed to the collective work Fruits de la colère (Éditions Les insolent·e·s, 2022) and published her first poetry collection, métacures, with Blast in 2023. Her first essay, La charge raciale, vertige d’un silence écrasant, is published by Fayard.
A chameleon, Adiel explores different forms of writing: poetry, slam, song, short story, novel and screenplay. In 2020, they won the French slam championships, and in 2021, finished semi-finalist in the slam world cup. In 2022, they wrote and directed their first short film, 'BONNARIEN', which explores identity and self-confidence through slam. While writing the film, they became aware of their trans identity and embarked on a medical and administrative obstacle course. Adiel is currently writing their second film, and runs writing and slam workshops in schools and prisons.
Tant qu’il restera des corps à étreindre
Elles dormaient sous le sable
La belle est la bête
Novelist and poet Floriane Joseph is an English professor. She discovered Victor Hugo at an early age, and the word "writer" nestled in her chest. It never left her. An emerging talent on the literary scene, she reveals the power of emotions and the poetry of existence with a pen as delicate as it is sharp. Her second novel, Les vivants sont des rois, was published by Michel Lafon.
Sara Mychkine (she/they) is a poet, writer, performer and independent researcher in art history. They are the author of two poetry collections, La plaie de l’aube (Blast, 2024) and L’éthé (2022), and of a novel, De minuit à minuit (Le Bruit du Monde, 2023), and their articles have been published in various publications (CENSORED, DÉBRIDÉ, DO-Kre-I-S, DUNE MAGAZINE...). Their incandescent languages are rooted in black, queer and decolonial eco*feminist worlds.
Marine Peyrard worked in the cultural and popular education sectors before devoting her time to her activities as an author and photographer. Her first poetry work, Viande à viol, was published in 2021 (republished in 2024) and she is the author of the poetic tale La princesse sans reflet, illustrated by Mirion Malle (Éditions Daronnes, 2023). Her first novel, A la fin nous ferons histoire, was published in 2024.
Éloge poétique du lubrifiant
Toujours trop ou pas assez
Notre vie n'est que mouvement
La vie verticale
From her home in England, Lou Sarabadzic writes, creates and translates. She is the author of seven books in various genres, including the poetry collections Ensemble and Je ne sais faire rien d'autre que vivre (La Crypte), the jubilant Éloge poétique du lubrifiant (Le Nouvel Attila, 2021), and the comic book Toujours trop ou pas assez, en finir avec la rhétorique foireuse du patriarcat (Mango Society, 2022), illustrated by Marko Mille.