Ananda Lima


Ananda Lima is a poet, fiction writer and translator, the author of Mother/land (Black Lawrence Press), winner of the Hudson Prize, and four chapbooks: Vigil, Tropicália, winner of the Newfound Prose Prize, Amblyopia, and Translation. Her work has appeared in The American Poetry Review,, Kenyon Review Online, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, The Common, Witness, and elsewhere. For her fiction, she was awarded the inaugural WIP Fellowship by Latinx-in-Publishing, sponsored by Macmillan Publishers, and an early version of CRAFT was named a finalist for the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing. She has an MA in Linguistics from UCLA and an MFA from Rutgers University, Newark. Originally from Brasilia, Brazil, she lives in Chicago. Her first collection of fiction, CRAFT, is forthcoming from Tor.

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